Cashless Means Touchless - Why Non-Contact Payments are Important
The COVID-19 pandemic has taught us that we need minimal touches when in public. Post pandemic, industries will be looking for ways to be touchless. We are already there at Bluestone Laundromats. The modern equipment that we use from Alliance Laundry Systems reduces the number of touches that you have to make in a laundromat. And it does it in the most impactful way because you no longer have to touch money to use the equipment. Most people recognize that money is covered in germs such as bacteria and viruses.
Additionally, having a touchless payment system means you don’t have to touch the ATM or the coin changer. Removing the need to have cash means that you can reduce the number of touches that you have to make when using our laundromats.
Even though we clean our laundromats multiple times per day, the only sure way to reduce the possibility of illness is to reduce the number of touches you have to make to do your laundry. Each time you can reduce the need to touch money or some equipment surface the less likely you will be to transfer germs. Try the Huebsch App from Alliance Laundry Systems to see how easy and safe doing laundry can be.